Wondering how you can help? Here are some ideas …
Wellington Park Management Plan Review
The Wellington Park Management Trust are currently undertaking a review of Wellington Park Management Plan. This could of course be an opportunity to strengthen the protections for the mountain against inappropriate developments but equally it could be used to water down those provisions of the previous plan which successfully saw the cable car DA rejected by both the council and the TASCAT.
We note that the last time the Wellington Park Trust altered the Plan was to approve a change to the Pinnacle Specific Area to accommodate the cable car proposal. This was done despite overwhelming opposition from the public. Indeed, at the end of the consultation process the Trust were heavily criticised by TASCAT but still approved the change to the plan. As you can no doubt tell we are sceptical of the process and its outcomes. Having said that we must participate and be diligent.
MWCC have publicly called for the Management Plan to be changed to suit the company’s purposes and the MWCC are actively encouraging people to use the Management Plan Review comment boxes to ask for the Plan to be changed to align with the cable car proposal.
We urge you to have a look at the Wellington Park Trust website https://wellingtonpark.org.au/step-1-park-values to understand the process and to take part.
Step 1 has been completed and took the form of a survey to review of the values within the park. The survey closed for comment 15/09/2023
Further input into Management Zones & Specific Area Plans will be undertaken in the near future. The completion of a draft management plan will be a process which will take time and a draft plan is not expected until early 2025. ROCC will be putting in submissions at the various stages of this review. Please get involved and thank you for being part of the continuing fight to protect the mountain.
We suggest you start with emailing your thoughts on the proposed cable car development to Clark Liberal Members & cc the Premier Jeremy Rockliff & Labour leader Rebecca White.
Other state parliament members for Clark(Labor, Green & Independent) include:
Vica Bayley (Greens), Helen Burnet (Greens), Ella Haddad (Labor), Kristie Johnston (Independent) & Josh Willie (Labor).
If you don’t live in the Clark electorate consider also contacting your local members. Key points you might like to include are that:
– the development has been through the proper, statutory process, including the developer exercising its right to appeal and the cable car was comprehensively rejected on many diverse ground;
· the cable car proposal assessed in the appeal before the independent planning tribunal was described by the proponent as its ‘best effort’ and all alternative routes and options had been thoroughly investigated and dismissed;
· prolonging the cable car saga with special approval for the Premier’s mates will not succeed and simply further delay progress on genuine solutions to the tourist and visitor pressure facing the mountain;
· the cable car proposal is not a green “ecotourism” venture. It involves clearing of large areas of native reserve & habitat at both the base & pinnacle stations, it is not a traffic solution and may in fact increased traffic due to visitations to the summit in private vehicles to visit pinnacle facilities
- Get writing to the Mercury & let them know your thoughts at https://www.themercury.com.au/news/opinion/letter-to-the-editor
- get your No Cable Car signs back out ! Continue to make a noise about kunanyi, show what she means to you and what you think of special political deals for a flawed, toxic proposal put forward by people who consistently show incompetence and a complete contempt for the interests of others. Haven’t got a sign? Go to the ROCC Shop & choose between No Cable Car & Save the Organ Pipes signs.
- Wear your no cable car Tshirts & bags – available from the ROCC website see here
- Like Respect the Mountain on Facebook and Instagram (@respectthemtn) – for daily posts and up-to-date actions go to https://www.facebook.com/RespectTheMountain.NoCableCar or https://www.instagram.com/respectthemtn/
- Sign up to the ROCC email Newsletter here to remain up to date with the campaign – sign up
- Assist us in keeping a fighting fund to ensure the Mountain is protected into the future – DONATE HERE